Space II



Space II is a set of 100 looped WAV textures and drones, designed for movie scoring. Space comes with a one-knob multi-effector which feeds audio into one of five different realtime effects, a filter envelope with flutter and basic volume attack, decay and release controls. Space II allows the blending of two sources.

500 in stock

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Kontakt required
  • 100 spacey soundscapes | 690 Mb
  • Full version of Kontakt 5.8.1 (or higher) required
  • Instant download after purchase

100 spacey retro-sounding soundscapes

Space II at a glance

  • 100 spacey looping sounds.
  • Dark and menacing drones and textures.
  • Single knob multi-effector.
  • Filter flutter effect.
  • Two layers with blending and panorama controls.
  • Auto advance feature.

Space II


500 in stock

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